Westward.AI, Incident Response, Long Time Investigations - ShadowDragon.io

Westward.AI, Incident Response, Long Time Investigations

Incident Response and investigations need storytelling functionality. Westward.ai’s innovation in event query languages is laced with strange hacker lore.

Incident Response and extended investigations need storytelling functionality. Westward.ai’s innovation in event query languages is discussed laced with candor, history, and strange hacker lore. The inbox is explored, and I’m sure somehow we managed to mention something about ShadowDragon. Even if we don’t mention OSINT, we are having fun. You should as well.

The hacker of old, Zack Payton describes his role in pushing the boundaries of incident response, threat hunting and scaling up SOC teams and MSSPs with the innovations Westward.AI is pushing. Mr. Payton spent years providing in the trench incident response, reversing, exploit development and so much more.

Special mentions to the following:

grapl project: https://github.com/insanitybit/grapl

@rw_access Ross Wolf designer of EQL

@Cyb3rWard0g Roberto Rodriguez Inventor of Mordor, HELK, and OSSEM

@john_threat – making memory thieves. When will this guy make more waves?! Last time he threw down, we had some epic hacker wars!

Other Links for Podcast:

Last but not least, if you aren’t keeping up to date on the latest issues on Phrack.org, please check that out

If you would like to be on the podcast please let us know. (Especially all 3 of you Iranian hackers that listen. We would love to hear about the hacker culture in Iran)

Sandy M

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