Visually explore and uncover
malware connections in seconds.
Search and view attacks in motion or go back in time:
Proofpoint ET Intelligence
Access industry-leading current and historical intelligence.
Analyze data using 100+ commercially-supported transforms
Make Connections
Connect specific attacks to billions of available indicators and visualize campaigns of records in the 1000s.
Geographical Information
Create a map of suspicious activity and follow your suspect’s trail.
Start anywhere. Arrive at the source.
anti-malware investigations
& response
MalNet brings together the industry’s most extensive malware threat information from Proofpoint ET Intelligence with link analysis capabilities from ShadowDragon®. MalNet enables incident responders, threat analysts and law enforcement to identify and visualize malware connections in just seconds to expedite investigations, response, and malware protection.
expose cyber espionage

ClearSky and Trend Micro exposed CopyKittens as an active cyber espionage actor who has targeted governments and large companies in the United States, Europe and Middle East. MalNet was used to help identify an infrastructure that used known malware and newly uncovered code and tools.
uncover and attribute

From 2016 – 2017, attackers used malware in continual attempts to breach IEC – Israel’s largest source of electrical power. Clearsky Security is investigating the attribution behind these attacks, using MalNet to support their process and attribute artifacts.
See malware in motion. Schedule a demo and see what it could do for your prevention and incident response.
What our SocialNet customers are saying
MalNet [is a] tremendous resources for incidents investigation.
[It allows] for unparalleled pivoting, malicious infrastructure detection and categorization and attribution.”

with malnet:
No more wasted time and energy context switching between data collection and analysis
Produce better, more focused reports without the hassle of manual collection effort.
Map large and complex
malware campaigns and their
C2 infrastructure.
Discover additional malware from a compromised domain
or correlate dates.
Uncover IDS signatures that
key on traffic and IOC from
specific malware samples.
Gain cyber threat Intelligence
relating to malware artifacts.
Explore more

Take a Lesson From James Bond – We Need More Due Diligence in BioTech
Biotechnology’s rapid growth brings both innovation and risks, highlighting the need for due diligence in supply chains to prevent the exploitation of genetic data and the development of tailored bioweapons.

Smart Security: Fighting Financial Fraud with Open Source Intelligence
Financial fraud is rising, with consumers losing over $10 billion in 2023. OSINT solutions help organizations detect threats, analyze patterns, and identify attackers, offering a proactive defense against emerging fraud trends.

How Does OSINT Make It Hard for Cybercriminals to Work?
OSINT leverages publicly available data from the surface, deep, and dark web to detect cyber threats, uncover cybercriminal activities, and enhance proactive defense. It aids in threat intelligence, exposing identities, and supporting law enforcement to disrupt malicious operations.
MalNet is used by:
MSSP Teams
SOC Teams
Cyber Threat Intelligence
DFIR Consultants
Legal Professionals
Forensic Detectives and Investigators
Corporate Security
Cyber Threat Intelligence Teams
And our stuff works with your stuff.
With its Restful API, MalNet is built to work easily with your other investigation and data tools. OEM developers, contact us for information on adding MalNet’s monitoring and alerting to your platform.

dossier template:
Whether you use MalNet or another collection tool, presenting your intelligence clearly inspires confidence and supports action.
Check out our custom template
that includes the 7 essential elements every target dossier needs.
Getting started with the
right answers is easy.
Getting started with the
right answers is easy.
Getting started with the right answers is easy.
Schedule your demo
See how MalNet speed up your anti-malware or response efforts.
start your free trial
Experience the power of MalNet, for free.
go beyond the profile
Pivot through reliable, high quality data.
Get started by scheduling your demo today.
Malware is more than code. It's bad code in motion.
When malware strikes, you need to quickly find, identify, and mitigate its effect. MalNet™ speeds up your investigation, allowing you to start with any artifact and pivot through its network and activity to find the source threat actors or identify related infections.
Use OSINT, breach data, intelligence, monitoring and geolocation analysis to take investigations further in one comprehensive platform. Our OSINT tool helps you uncover valuable insights and make informed decisions.