What Are the Common Struggles of OSINT Investigations?
Conducting OSINT investigations can be challenging, with issues like information overload, data quality verification, technical skills, legal considerations, and misinformation. Overcoming these hurdles requires the right tools, methodologies, and expertise to streamline efforts and ensure actionable insights.
Navigating the Gray Zone: The Role of Open-Source Intelligence in Modern Conflict
Navigating the evolving gray zone of modern conflict, this post highlights the growing importance of open-source intelligence (OSINT) in addressing global threats, leveraging publicly available data, and adapting to irregular battlefields to protect security and ensure resilience.
Stopping an Active Shooter with OSINT: How Publicly Available Information Becomes Actionable Intelligence
[First printed in the December 2023 edition of Security Technology]
OSINT Investigator Training 101: Building a Foundation for Success
Today’s investigators and analysts using online sources to investigate cases are often so focused on where to click, that they don’t even realize what their tools are doing in the […]
Into the Dark Webs
What is the DarkWeb The dark web sounds scary, but in reality, it is anything you cannot get to via Google, or that uses a masked IP address. The classification […]
Where does operational security begin?
Over the course of the last few months, we’ve blogged about finding bad guys by guessing emails, mapping friends, understanding emotional behavior, and leveraging laziness and poor password habits. All […]
Rate Limits in Data Visualization
One of the most frustrating things to happen in any data visualization software is for you to run a query and get back the notification: “This result returns more nodes […]
Cutting your teeth on ShadowDragon’s advanced CTF
We’ve talked in recent weeks about the importance of training and the methodology behind it. Much of the OSINT work we do is focused on the social aspects and footprint […]
Additional Insights into Iranian Cyber Espionage | APT33
Earlier this week FireEye/Mandiant had released a blog entitled “Insights into Iranian Cyber Espionage”detailing the targets within the Aerospace and Energy sectors being targeted. To compliment their post we wanted […]
Fishing with a Subaru
There comes a time in some OSINT investigations where we have accurately identified our target’s profiles, lifestyle, and communication platforms, but we still aren’t quite to the point of pinpointing […]